I'm a Mama.
Before I'm a photographer, I'm a mama. My littles are my world. My poor children have had a camera in their face since (LITERALLY) the second they were born. They may hate it, but I've never once regretted a photo of my babies. They are constantly growing and changing and it's absolutely amazing to witness, but I don't ever want to forget these little moments and milestones. It all goes by so fast.
Bodhi, 11 Months
Memphis, 1 Year
Arlo, 1 Month
If you're already a Mama you know exactly what I'm talking about. If you're gearing up and getting ready to welcome your little one... Get ready. You'll blink and they'll be crawling, then walking and then running full speed away from you in a public place and giving you a mild heart attack. Or maybe you'll get lucky and have girls.
But in all seriousness, you'll find yourself often wondering, "how in the world are they this big?" or "where did my baby go?!". So be sure to hold on to as many moments as possible, and photos are a great way to do that. I don't care if it's professional photography or just a iPhone photo. A picture is a picture. Just document those little moments!
I love documenting my babies monthly and I have worked really hard to keep up with their monthly milestone pictures and their baby books. I've linked some of my favorites below! I'm currently OBSESSED with the As You Grow baby book we got for baby Arlo. It's so so so pretty!
Grow With Me
I first started this photography business after having Bodhi, my oldest boy, and learning for myself just how quickly he would grow and change and I wanted to be able to offer quality, but still affordable and achievable, photography packages for other families and their littles. I created my Grow With Me packages with this idea in mind. I offer two options to be able to capture your little one every three months or every six months during their first year of life.

Kayden, Newborn

Kayden, 6 Months
Because I love to get to see my clients over and over and over again I always offer further Grow With Me incentives. Such as a newborn discount after your maternity session and further milestone discounts for your babies even after their first year has come and gone. And if you decide to give your little a sibling, you keep getting special discounts for your first baby!
Branson, 3 Months
Branson, 6 Months
I know first-hand that there is so much to think about when planning for a new baby, on top of often taking an unpaid maternity leave or even giving up your salary to spend all the time with your baby, finances can be tight... I GET IT. That doesn't mean that it's not possible to still get the photos you want of such a precious time. I will work with you from early in your pregnancy to help make a payment plan that's right for you, so that we get to document all the special milestones in your life while sticking to a budget.